The Website of Yintelligence

Yintelligence™ aggregates three concepts:

  • Yi  means change in Chinese. Change is considered as the fundamental element of reality and life. Symbollicaly it is represented by the alternance of sunny and rainy days, which means good weather. The real bad weather, is the weather which never changes. 
  • Yin  is one aspect of the Yin-Yang couple. These two fundamental concepts are linked together by their opposit complementarity. The Yin is what is becoming Yang. Yin differs from Yang by its capacity of performance in changing processes, patience, generouse disponibility, quietness in movement.
  • Intelligence  is what recongnizes intelligence. The fundamental cognitive capacity of beeings has concious and uncouncious aspects. Inter Leggere also means reading between the lines or reading behind the counciousness. 

Yintelligence means, intelligence by a yin change!